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Christian Life


1. This miracle happened when I was a child. Once there was some construction work going on in my house, I was playing around with joy . I climbed up and down and was enjoying. At one time I had to cross from one part of the balcony to another part , in case if one falls one would really get a bad injury. I crossed the balcony playfully, and reached to the safer side. I was amazed by this naughty act of mine and realized that Lord Jesus saved my life.

2. This miracle happened when we were returning from Chennai. I was driving a van. My wife, my son , father, mother and my brother and his family all were there. Everbody were sleeping. It was 12 am , imagine it is a time when everyone of us will be fast asleep. Suddenly I realized my father was hitting my leg and calling "Danny , wake up ". I woked up from my sleep and I realized that there was a lorry approaching towards us and I was losing my control and driving towards extreme left where there was a deep pit . Lord Jesus saved us without an accident. Praise the Lord Jesus.

3. Once I had to go to Chennai for an important work. After the completion of my work , my dad and I returned to Coimbatore by bus. It was a night journey. The bus reached Coimbatore by
6 am . We could not able to locate our luggages. We realized that it was stolen. It contained all my essential documents , without which one could not able to do anything. We cried a lot . I was very much worried about my future. But I did not lose heart we prayed everyday. That was one of the painful phase in my life. From then on I never trusted any one. Whenever I see a human being I had a fear. But I controlled my emotions and cried and prayed to our Lord Jesus everyday. After a long time one gentleman came to our house during the night time. He asked " are you Mr Daniel ?" I said " yes" then he said ' hey all your documents are found and is safe'. He then gave me an address of a person with which we collected all our documents from that gentleman. Praise the Lord Jesus. Dear friends Lord Jesus is the living God, He is the same yesterday , today and forever. He will never ever forsake us. All we have to do is to follow the Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments

1. Do not worship other gods.
2. Do not worship idols.
3. Do not misuse God's name.
4. Keep the Sabbath day holy.
5. Honor your father & mother.
6. Do not murder.
7. Do not commit adultery.
8. Do not steal.
9. Do not lie.
10. Do not covet.

4. Everyone of us have problems in our life. Nobody can ever say that he or she lives without any problems. Dear friends I too had and having problems , lots of problems right from my childhood days to till date. Problems in the study place , problems in the work place , problems in the family and so forth. But Lord Jesus helped me and still helping me without my knowledge to solve all these problems. Praise the Lord Jesus . Yes I am a great sinner. When He forgives my sin and shows mercy towards me.He will definitely forgive all your sins and will help you. Come on everybody , if you are not a Christian it is not too late to be a Christian. Come on believe the living God and accept Him as your God, then you will be saved. He is the only God in the world and there is no other God. He has said in the Bible that He will return to this world and judge every one of us. None can escape. Please , worship Lord Jesus Christ and accept Him as your saviour. In turn you will be one among them in the kingdom of heaven . I will never ever use any force or violence or threaten anyone to be a Christian. Because those who use force or violence in order to achieve something can be termed as "Primitive" . I thought that , as Lord Jesus had done many miracles and gave many blessings to me, I should do something in return . And that is why I have build this site. It is up to you to decide .


My Wife & Son

S.Daniel Robert